Sunday, October 17, 2010

Free Amigurumi Pattern

Free download craft book - Amigurumi

dalam pembuatan amigurumi berikut ini terdapat beberapa langkah. untuk mendapatkan gambar berukuran besar silakan download pada link yang tersedia

Selamat berkreasi ^.^

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Berikut ini Ringkasan Tenses yang mungkin berguna untuk anda.



Aliran elektron : dari potensial rendah ke potensial tinggi
Aliran proton : dari potensial tinggi tinggi ke potensial rendah
Potensial tinggi : muatan positif lebih banyak
Potensial rendah : muatan negative lebih banyak
Jika terjadi beda potensial akan terjadi aliran elektron maupun proton / aliran arus listrik
Arus listrik konvensional
Sesuai dengan ketetapan maka arus listrik adalah aliran muatan positif dari potensial tinggi ke potensial rendah, yang arahnya berlawanan dengan aliran muatan negative.
Kekuatan arus listrik
Kuat arus listrik = muatan listrik : selang waktu

GGL : beda potensial sumber arus listrik pada ujung ujungnya ketika sumber arus listrik tidak mengalirkan arus listrik.
Hambatan merupakan peralatan yang digunakan untuk mempertahankan besar kuat arus dan beda potensial. Pada rangkaian rumit seperti radio dan TV terdapat hambatan agar rangkaian berfungsi baik.
Resistor = komponen listrik yang khusus menghasilkan hambatan listrik pada suatu rangkaian.
HUKUM OHM : ‘Hambatan sebanding dengan beda potensial dan berbanding terbalik dengan kuat arus’

HUKUM KIRCHOFF – terkait dengan Arus Listrik
‘Kuat arus yang masuk ke dalam sebuah titik cabang sama dengan jumlah kuat arus yang keluar melalui titk titik cabangnya.’

Beda potensial (tegangan) saat rangkaian tertutup
Saat rangkaian tertutup terjadi aliran arus listrik dari sumber tegangan (baterai). Didalam sumber tegangan terdapat hambatan elektrolit yang dinamakan hambatan dalam ( r ), sedang R adalah hambatan luar. Akibat adanya r maka V < E, hal ini menunjukkan adanya tegangan yang hilang.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Free TOEFL Exercises

Contoh Text Discussion


There is much debate about whether students bring mobile phone at school should be forbidden or not.

Argument pro and contra
I agree that bringing mobile phone at school cause the student can not study well, because they will not concentrate to the lesson. In the contrary to the bad effect, parents need to communicate to their kids. Students who live far from the school, will need a mobile phone since it is difficult to find a phone box in public area now. The parents will have difficulties about the exact time they have to pick up their kids because students have many extracuricular activities after school.

I think some rules about students bring mobile phone at school will be a good solution, whether students may bring mobile phone at school or not.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Quiz: Integers - Soal Latihan Bilangan Bulat

In the high mountain plains of Colorado, the temperature can change dramatically during a day, depending upon the sun and season. On a June day, the low temperature was 140F. If the high temperature that day was 830F, by how much had the temperature risen?

Berikut ini alamat download soal-soal latihan bilangan bulat versi Bahasa Inggris - Integers Quiz

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Berikut ini beberapa modul bahan ajar tambahan untuk pelajaran produktif SMK PELAYARAN






Berikut ini modul - modul untuk sekolah pelayaran. Selain modul didalamnya juga terdapat soal - soal untuk latihan. Beberapa soal tersebut, ada yang hampir sama dengan soal UN produktif tahun lalu. Semoga bermanfaat.









Friday, June 18, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ceita Rakyat Bahasa Jawa


Dhek jaman biyen ana ratu sing murka, kereng lan srakah. Panjenengane pirsa yen ing salah sawijining alas wewengkon iku ana kidang kencana. Ratu ngersaake nyekel kidang kencanan iku. Amarga kidang kencana iku bisa nyiptakake glindhingan - glindhingan emas.
Kanthi reka daya sing julig, para nara praja bisa nyekel kidang kencana iku kidang digawa menyang kraton.
" Dang, aku njaluk kowe nyiptakake lempengan lempengan emas! Sing akeh! Yen kowe mbantah, dak potong gulumu" Pandikane ratu.
" Sendika dhawuh, kanjeng. Nanging wonten wewaleripun, menawi dalem nembe damel emas, sampun ngatos kanjeng endheg"
" Ya, ingsun sepata, Dang!"
Kidang langsung nggedrug-nggedrug sikile ana lemah. Sakiwo tengene ratu njedhul glindhingan-glindhingan emas. Saya suwe tumpukan emas saya akeh. Dhuwure emas wis nganti tekan janggane kanjeng ratu. Kanjeng Ratu sumelang, wedi seda gurugan emas.
Kanjeng Ratu supe karo sepatane dhewe.
"Wah...wah...wadhuh, prei! Wis wis wis, Prei! Wis prei bae!
Glindhingan emas iku isih pada njedhul. Kanjeng Ratu wis kagurugan emas. Ujug - ujug gunungan emas kuwi malih dadi endhut. Entek sejarahe Kanjeng Ratu. Panjenengane seda.
Ratu sing murka, kereng, lan srakah iku seda ana kratone dhewe. Sawise Kanjeng Ratu seda, kidang kencana bali menyang alas. Kadhang kala dheweke ngetok ngedumake glindhingan-glindhingan duwit emas kanggo wong - wong mlarat.

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Jawa


Reca Totok Kerot tinemu ing sapinggire kali Brantas in Kediri. Manut crita biyen reca kuwi dumadi saka manungsa. Dene critane mangkene.
Dhek jaman biyen, tlatah Kediri diprentah dening raja agung yaiku Prabu Jayabaya. Adhoh saka kutha raja, yaiku ing sawijining alas gung liwang liwung ana padesan. Alas kuwi diarani alas Lodhoyong. Sing dadi pimpinan wong wadon sing aran Nyai Lodhoyong.
Nyai Lodhoyong duwe kesakten sing ngedab - edabi. Jalaran kasektene kuwi Nyai Lodhoyong diwedeni para kawula. Saben pawongan wedi, yen nganti luput marang Nyai Lodhoyong disotaake bisa dadi kewan. Utawa disotake dadi apa wae sing dipepingini Nyai Lodhoyong.
Keprungu kabare manawa Prabu Jayabaya kuwi raja sing bagus banget. Nyai lodhoyong pengen dadi garwane. Mangka Nyai Lodhoyong pakulitane ireng, rambute gimbal, lan ngemperi wong lanang. Beda banget karo wanita kraton sing mriyayeni banget. Ewasemono tekade Nyai Lodhoyong gedhe banget. Dheweke nggunakake kasektene, nyenyuwun marang Dewi Durga supaya dadi ayu ngemperi garwane Prabu Jayabaya.
Nyai Lodhoyong dikabulake panyuwune. Klakon dadi putri keraton sing ayu banget. Kanthi dhedemitan banjur tumuju keraton Kediri. Nalika pisowanan dadak nyai lodhoyong sing wis dadi putri ayu melu sowan ing ngarsane Prabu Jayabaya.
Senajan rupane memper garwane Prabu Jayabaya, mesthi wae tindak tanduke ora bisa padha. Apa maneh Prabu Jayabaya kuwi raja sing weruh sadurunge kelakon.
Tekane Nyai Lodhoyong ditampa kanthi becik. Nyai Lodhoyong sing dadi putri didangu Prabu Jayabaya ngaku yen garwane. Ditakoni perkara keraton, Nyai Lodhoyong uga bisa mangsuli, jalaran dheweke duwe kesakten. Sing beda mung solah bawane lan suba sitane marang Prabu Jayabaya sing beda.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Soal Matematika Balok dan Prisma SMP Kelas 8

  1. Diketahui prisma tegak dengan alas persegi dan ukuran rusuk alas 4 cm serta tinggi prisma 6 cm.(a)Jika panjang rusuk prisma dua kali panjang rusuk prisma semula, tentukan: Volume prisma baru?Perbandingan kedua volume prisma? (b)Apakah dugaanmu tentang perbandingan volume dua prisma dengan perbandingan rusuk-rusuk yang sesuai adalah p : q ? c. d. Buktikan dugaanmu!
  2. Luas alas piramid sekitar 300.000 kaki persegi dan tingginya 321 kaki. Berapakah volume piramid itu?

Soal Matematika Lingkaran SMP Kelas 8

  1. Sebuah seng berbentuk persegi yang panjang sisinya 120 cm, akan dibuat tutup botol. Satu tutup botol membutuhkan seng seluas 6,28 cm2. Berapakah banyak tutup botol yang dapat dibuat?
  2. Sebuah mobil bergerak sehingga rodanya berputar 1000 kali. Jika jarak yang ditempuh 1,32 km dan π = 22/7, maka jari-jari ban mobil adalah ....

Soal Fisika SMP Gelombang dan Bunyi

  1. Dalam waktu 2 sekon terbentuk sebuah gelombang transversal yang terdiri dari tiga puncak gelombang dan dua lembah. Tentukan periode dan frekuensi gelombang tersebut!
  2. Sebuah seruling menghasilkan gelombang bunyi dengan panjang gelombang 0,20 m dan cepat rambat 340 m/s. Berapakah frekuensinya?
  3. Resonansi pertama terjadi pada sebuah tabung udara dengan sebuah garputala pada panjang udara tabung 18cm. Resonansi kedua dan ketiga terjadi jika panjang kolom udara dalam tabung……….cm
  4. Bunyi yang dilepaskan ke dalam laut terdengar kembali 0,5 detik. Cepat rambat bunyi dalam air 1500 m/detik. Maka kedalaman laut tersebut adalah…..

Friday, June 11, 2010

Latihan Soal Matematika Kelas 8 - Semester Genap

Sebuah kolam renang berukuran panjang 50 m dan lebar 20 m. Kedalaman kolam pada bagian yang dangkal 1m dan terus melandai hingga pada bagian yang paling dalam 3 m. Jika kolam terisi penuh, banyak air di dalam kolam tersebut adalah…

Pak Hanif ingin membuat kotak kayu dengan ukuran 2m x 0,75m x 0,5m. Maka luas minimal kayu yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat kotak tersebut adalah

Fida akan membuat sebuah aquarium kaca tanpa tutup berbentuk balok dengan ukuran 90 cm x 60 cm x 40 cm. Harga kaca tiap 100 cm2 adalah Rp 20.000,00. Berapa biaya untuk membeli kaca aquarium tsb?

English Exercise - 7 Grade - Procedure Text - Narative Text

To play a cassette, follow these steps:
1. First, put the cassette in the tape recorder
2. Second, push the PLAY button
3. Next, adjust the VOLUME
4. Then, push the STOP button to stop
5. Finally, push the FAST FORWARD or FAST BACKWARD button to go to an intended part
To record on your tape recorder, follow these steps:
1. First, put a blank cassette in the tape recorder
2. Second, push the RECORD button
3. Then, speak into the microphone
4. Remember to push the REWIND button to rewind the cassette
5. Finally, push PLAY to listen to your recording
1. What are the steps to play a cassette?
2. What are the steps to record on a tape recorder?
3. What is the function of the PLAY button?
4. What is the function of the RECORD button?
5. Which button do you push to go to an intended part?

Arrange the following sentences to write a good procedure text of making a phone call on a public phone box.
1. Dial the number
2. End your call
3. Insert a coin
4. Pick up the receiver
5. Put back the receiver
6. Start speaking
7. Wait for the dial tone

Soal Latihan Fisika Kelas 8 - Cahaya

Jelaskan mekanisme pembentukan bayangan pada mata yang mengalami cacat mata
a. miopi
terbatas dalam memandang benda jarak……..
bayangan terbentuk di…………retina
lensa yang digunakan……..

b. presbiopi
terbatas dalam memandang benda jarak……..
bayangan terbentuk di…………retina
lensa yang digunakan……..

c. hipermetropi
terbatas dalam memandang benda jarak……..
bayangan terbentuk di…………retina
lensa yang digunakan……..

Seorang penderita rabun jauh memiliki titik jauh 300 cm. Berapa kekuatan lensa kacamata orang tersebut agar dapat melihat benda jauh dengan normal?

Pada saat kamu memeriksakan mata kamu, hasil periksaannya dituliskan dalam kategori, misalnya -1, -½, -¾, dan lain-lain. Tahukah kamu apa yang dimaksud dengan pernyataan tersebut?


  1. Sebuah benda berada 25 cm dari sebuah cermin cekung dengan jari-jari 80 cm.Tentukan letak bayangannya dari cermin.
  2. Sebuah benda diletakkan 30 cm di depan sebuah cermin cembung dengan jarijari40 cm. Tentukanlah letak bayangannya dari cermin.
  3. Sebuah benda diletakkan didepan dua cermin datar. Jika kemudian benda terbentuk 4 bayangan, maka sudut antara dua cermin tersebut adalah….
  4. Sebuah benda diletakkan didepan cermin datar sejauh 50 cm, kemudian benda digeser sejauh x cm, ternyata bayangan benda tersebut 25 cm. besar x adalah…..
  5. Benda yang diletakkan didepan cermin cembung selalu memiliki bayangan…….
  6. Benda yang diletakkan antara cermin cekung dengan titik fokusnya selalu membentuk bayangan…….
  7. Benda yang diletakkan didepan cermin cekung, antara titik focus dengan pusat kelengkungan cermin, memiliki bayangan yang…….

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Gratis download MP3 Jack and The Beanstalk - Free MP3 Jack and The Beanstakl

Belajar listening Bahasa Inggris lewat cerita Jack and The Beanstalk

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Soal Latihan SBI - Matematika SMP Kelas 7 smt 2

soal IPA SMP kelas 8

Soal Latihan IPA - SMP kelas 8


Download rumus matematika untuk persiapan uan SMP


Soal matematika SBI Kelas 7 - Integers

Download disini

Soal Matematika SBI Kelas 8 - Smt 1

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

english speech - link download

sample of English speech - birthday speech - entertaining speech - informative speech - etc

download link:

sample 1
sample 2
sample 3
sample 4

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

narative text - The lonely Princess

Once upon a time, there live a beautiful princess. Her name was Lola. She was 14 years old. She had two older brothers. They were much older then she was. Therefore, they never played with her.

Lola always played alone. She played dolls in her room alone. She read her story book alone in the garden. When she was at school, she never talked to her friends. Whenever her friends tried to talk to her, she always answered them angrily. No one wanted to talk to her.

One day, there was a new student at school. She was a princess too. Her name was Sabrina. Sabrina was a friendly princess. she made friends quickly. Every body love her.
When Sabrina played hide and seek with other students, Lola just keep on reading her book. She did not care about her surroundings. Sabrina saw her. She asked one of the students, "Who is the girl sitting under the tree?"
" Her name is Lola. She is quiet and shy. And she always angry. She never played with us," the student answered.
Sabrina left the group. She came to Lola.
"Hi!" she said.
Lola looked up to Sabrina. But she did give any reply.
"What are you doing?" Sabrina kept asking.
"Can't you see that I'm reading?" Lola answered her sharply.
"I see. What book are you reading?"
" It's a story book. Hey, can't you just leave me alone. I don't want to talk to anybody right now," Lola answered.
"Well, then. I'll leave you. But if you want, you can play with us," Sabrina kept talking in friendly tone. She left Lola alone.

ingin baca kelanjutannya? Ada di sini

Narative text - The Mill Owner

Pier was a poor mill owner. One day, a man with a fine suite stood in front of him. the man asked,"Do you want to be rich?"
Pier answer, "Of course, I do. Who are you?"
" I'm devil. I'll make you rich for thirty years. In return you give me your soul."
pier was shocked, but he thought for a moment. Then he decided, "Well, as long as I'm rich, I'll do anything. Even if I have to sell my soul to the devil."
" It's a deal!"
the next day, everything changed. Pier became a rich man. He lived happily for thirty years.

Time passed quickly. The devil came back. he said to Pier, "I've made you rich. Now, give me your soul."
"Mr. Devil," Pier begged, "please let me live a little longer."
"I'm sorry, Pier. I can't do that. A promise is a promise."
Pier had no choice. He let the devil put him in the sack. Together they traveled to hell.
On their way, they heard music from an inn. The devil wanted to go into the inn to find more souls.

ingin baca selanjutnya? Klik link ini

Handbook of fluid dynamics and fluid machinery

Free Download : Handbook of fluid dynamics and fluid machinery


Physical Basis for Optical Fiber Transmission • Fiber Construction: Step Index and Graded Index Types • Numerical Aperture: Light Collection Ability • Modal Structure • Fiber Losses and Signal Attenuation

Fiber Optic Strain Sensors • Intensity Modulated Sensors • Interferometric Fiber Optic Sensors • Fiber Optic Rotation Sensors

Fundamental of fiber optics acoustic sensor • Polarization • Multiplexing • Hydrophone Design • Applications • Non-Acoustic Sensing

telemetry in ocean cable system. The Starting Point—The Deep-Sea Armored Coax • The Nature of Fiber Optic Communications • The Use of Optical Fibers in Ocean Cables • Handling Systems for E-O Cables

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) is a robotic device that is driven through the water by a propulsion system, controlled and piloted by an onboard computer, and maneuverable in three dimensions. This level of control, under most environmental conditions, permits the vehicle to follow precise preprogrammed trajectories wherever and whenever required. Sensors on board the AUV sample the ocean as the AUV moves through it, providing the ability to make both spatial and time series measurements. Sensor data collected by an AUV is automatically geospatially and temporally referenced and normally of superior quality. Multiple vehicle surveys increase productivity, can insure adequate temporal and spatial sampling, and provide a means of investigating the coherence of the ocean in time and space.
The fact that an AUV is normally moving does not prevent it from also serving as a Lagrangian, or quasi Eulerian, platform. This mode of operation may be achieved by programming the vehicle to stop thrusting and float passively at a specific depth or density layer in the sea, or to actively loiter near a desired location. AUV’s may also be programmed to swim at a constant pressure or altitude or to vary their depth and/or heading as they move through the water, so that undulating sea saw survey patterns covering both vertical and/or horizontal swaths may be formed. AUV’s are also well suited to perform long linear transects, sea sawing through the water as they go, or traveling at a constant pressure. They also provide a highly productive means of performing seafloor surveys using acoustic or optical imaging systems.
When compared to other Lagrangian platforms, AUV’s become the tools of choice as the need for control and sensor power increases. The AUV’s advantage in this area is achieved at the expense of endurance, which for an AUV is typically on the order of 8- 50 hours. Most vehicles can vary their velocity between 0.5 and 2.5 m/s. The optimum speed and the corresponding greatest range of the vehicle occur when its hotel load (all required power except propulsion) is twice the propulsive load. For most vehicles, this occurs at a velocity near 1.5 m/s.
The degree of autonomy of the robot presents an interesting dichotomy. Total autonomy does not provide the user with any feedback on the vehicle’s progress or health, nor does it provide a means of controlling or redirecting the vehicle during a mission. It does, however, free the user to perform other tasks, thereby greatly reducing operational costs, as long as the vehicle and the operator meet at their duly appointed times at the end of the mission. For some missions, total autonomy may be the only choice; in other cases when the vehicle is performing a routine mission, it may be the preferable mode of operation.


destiny - jim brickman


forever and always - shania twain



Operations Procedures Before any circuits are energized for the first time, an operations procedure must be developed that covers the following topics:
  • Authorized Personnel
  • Safety Lectures
  • Equipment Familiarization
  • Deck Officer In Charge
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Start-up Scenario
  • Personnel Responsibilities Assignment

This operations procedure must encompass more than the Argus Remote Systems a/s checklists as indicated. The operations procedure must assign tasks to specific individuals and establish the line of authority for the safe operation of the equipment.
It is the responsibility of the system operators to work within the guidelines of their corporate and/or govermental codes where there is a conflict with the Argus Remote Systems a/s guidelines. The operations procedure must be thoroughly understood by the operators, and all routines must be strictly followed for the operations procedure to be effective.

Maintenance Procedures Basic good maintenance procedures relative to the hydraulic system must be developed and implemented by the operator. These procedures must encompass the following topics:
  • Change filters if there is any sign of seawater in the oil and flush with clean test stand fluid.
  • Change filters if there is any question of contamination. Filters are cheap relative to the system components.
  • Any components that has to be replaced should be cycled through the test before assembly into the system.
  • Any hose or fitting which is replaced should be thoroughly cleaned before installation.
  • Change filters every time the system integrety is broken.
  • Never leave open fittings or components exposed. Cap with the proper fitting.
  • Never reuse oil which has been flushed from the system.
  • Never use oil from partially filled containers.
  • Do not mix oils. The hydraulic fluid for manips on the Hydro-Lek manips are Tellus 32 or equivalent.
  • Always keep spare components sealed in plastic bags and stored under the proper conditions.
  • Always tightly cap oil storage cans

Umbilical History - Past - Present - Future


download: umbilical history

International Transport Safety Research

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), periodically publishes the Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials, which serve as regulations for its own activities and as a model for regulations issued by international organizations and domestic regulatory bodies throughout the world. In order to support technical considerations for revisions to these Regulations, the IAEA may undertake “Coordinated Research Programs in which Member States and international organizations may offer to participate. Five such programs are currently active in the area of radioactive material transport safety, and the purpose and status of each of these is discussed in this paper.

The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) “Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material” form a consistent, technically robust basis for international and national regulations governing the packaging and transport of radioactive materials. Changes to the IAEA regulations occur periodically, and can be expected to be reflected in international modal requirements and national regulations. Thus, the IAEA’s Transport Regulations have direct impacts on shippers and carriers of these materials.
Since their inception in 1961, the IAEA Transport Regulations have been periodically revised to keep them technically up to date and consistent with modern transportation operations technologies. These revisions are typically based on proposals made by Member States and International Organizations. They may include changes which are based on research results. In cases where proposals for change require additional supportive information, the IAEA can undertake “Coordinated Research Programs” (CRPs) to address the relevant areas. A CRP typically involves 5-7 Member States contributing their research efforts on a defined topic and the preparation of a consolidated report of the results.
There are several CRPs which are either ongoing or have been completed but have not yet been finally published. These CRPs may result in new regulatory requirements being developed and may form the basis for proposals to change the regulations.

Electro-optical Umbilical for 6000m water depths

At 6000m depths, special attention has to be paid to cable weight and outer diameter, as they are the main contributors to the mechanical forces acting on the top section of the cable. At the bottom section, the hydrostatic pressure has to be considered. It is also important to minimise the cable outer diameter in order to reduce the hydrodynamic forces acting on the cable. On the other hand, the ROV power consumption limits the acceptable voltage drop. This leads to an evaluation of cable heating vs. Cu cross-section.

Power conductors
There are several considerations regarding choosing the right power conductor. The overall
target of reducing weight and dimension encourages low cross section power conductors. However, the required voltage at the load and the line current leads to a maximum acceptable voltage drop. Also, cable heating can be significant if several cable layers remain on the winch. The cable temperature depends on the heat transfer through the different materials, and might lead to cable degradation.

The Development of a Cable Termination System for Deepwater Applications

As oil and gas production projects move into deeper waters, new key enabling technologies are required to terminate electrical, optical and hybrid subsea cables. Two failure modes have been identified using current commercially available termination technology in deepwater applications; core element collapse into an atmospheric breakout region and wicking of the compensating fluid from the termination into the interstices of the cable elements. Either failure may lead to partial or catastrophic failure of the termination. Each failure mode can be directly linked to the interaction of the cable elements with the pressure-balanced dielectric fluidfilled splice region in the termination.
Both of these failure modes have been encountered in the recent past during the installation phase of ultra-deepwater developments. In each instance, an understanding of the failure mode led to the development of design modifications that were qualified and successfully deployed. The difficult lessons learned from these experiences have resulted in new design considerations and more rigorous qualification procedures during the development of cable specific Field
Installable Termination Assemblies (FITAs). These lessons have also been cause to rethink the design philosophy of cable terminations. Ocean Design, Inc. (ODI) has embarked on a design program to eliminate the limitations of the current technology and increase the reliability of their terminations.
The result of this effort is the FACT (Field Assembled Cable Termination) system, a modularized termination system that completely isolates the cable’s internal elements from all pressurized
fluid interfaces.

Adaptive Sensing for Localisation of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

This paper demonstrates an improved robot localisation approach based on adaptive sensing.
Using a particle ¯lter to represent the uncertainty in location the approach minimises the
expected entropy after the next robot action.It is demonstrated in simulation that this ap-
proach is useful in sensor management of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle when a digi-
tised elevation map of the environment is available.

1 Introduction
The sophistication and usefulness of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) has increased dramatically in recent years, with record feats of depth and endurance offering new opportunities for ocean science and exploration. However the majority of these vehicles have only a primitive level of autonomy, with current AUVs typically carrying out a mission by attempting to follow a pre-planned trajectory. Sensing is usually passive, in that the perceived sensor data does not in°uence the actions taken by the vehicle.1 We propose to provide the
AUV with a means to make sensor management decisions based upon the information it obtains during the course of the mission, in order to enhance navigation performance. There are also opportunities to improve battery life [Nygren and Jansson, 2004] and the overall effectiveness of a mission [Makarenko et al., 2002] by sensing intelligently rather than continuously and indiscriminately. In this paper we demonstrate the potential of adaptive sensing by applying it to a terrain-aided tracking algorithm [Williams, 2003].


Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) have a significant support role to play in offshore petroleum production facilities. The extent to which ROVs can replace diver-based operations depends significantly on ROV capacity and the relative costs of mobilising and implementing the two modes of underwater operation. This paper presents work directed at two aspects of ROV operability: the quality of visual information presented to the ROV pilots and the degree of station keeping control exhibited by the vehicle.
Significant improvement in pilot performance of selected maintenance-type tasks has been achieved by the use of a purpose built underwater stereoscopic video camera and
associated ship-based stereoscopic display unit. Two generations of cameras have now been built and used on a Perry Triton vehicle in use at the North Rankin A platform on the North West Shelf.
In a related program, stereoscopic images of the platform structure are processed to determine the relative position of the ROV. Changes in position are used as inputs to thruster control algorithms, with a view to enabling the vehicle to hold position in fluctuating current fields. The position data from the processed 3D images are linked to output from an on-board inertial system to enable position to be maintained despite periodic loss of visual information.
First trials of the combined vision-inertial system indicated some success, notably using the vision system, but indicated difficulties with the inertial package and its integration into the control process. An extension of this project is now being supported by the Australian Maritime
Engineering Cooperative Research Centre (AME CRC).

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Konfigurasi Elektron Gas Mulia
Unsur gas mulia merupakan unsur yang paling stabil karena susunan elektronnya berjumlah 8 elektron di kulit terluar, kecuali helium (mempunyai konfigurasi elektron penuh). Hal ini dikenal dengan konfigurasi oktet, kecuali helium dengan konfigurasi duplet.
Unsur-unsur lain dapat mencapai konfigurasi oktet dengan cara membentuk ikatan agar konfigurasi elektronnya sama dengan konfigurasi elektron gas mulia terdekat. Kecenderungan ini disebut aturan oktet. Konfigurasi oktet (konfigurasi stabil gas mulia) dapat dicapai dengan melepas, menangkap, atau memasangkan elektron.

Lambang Lewis
Lambang titik elektron Lewis terdiri atas lambang unsur dan titik-titik yang setiap titiknya menggambarkan satu electron valensi dari atom-atom unsur. Titik-titik elektron adalah elektron terluarnya.
Li 2) 1) Li ∙
Mg 2) 8) 2) ∙ Mg ∙

Untuk membedakan asal elektron valensi penggunaan tanda (o) boleh diganti dengan tanda (x), tetapi pada dasarnya elektron mempunyai lambang titik Lewis yang mirip.


Ikatan ion terbentuk akibat adanya pelepasan atau penerimaan elektron oleh atom-atom yang berikatan. Atom-atom yang melepas elektron menjadi ion positif (kation) sedang atom-atom yang menerima elektron menjadi ion negatif (anion). Senyawa yang memiliki ikatan ion disebut senyawa ionik.

Senyawa ionik biasanya terbentuk antara atom-atom unsur logam dan nonlogam. Atom unsur logam cenderung melepas elektron membentuk ion positif, dan atom unsur nonlogam cenderung menangkap elektron membentuk ion negatif.
Contoh: NaCl, MgO, CaF2, Li2O, AlF3, dan lain-lain.

Sifat-sifat fisika senyawa ionik pada umumnya:
  • pada suhu kamar berwujud padat;
  • struktur kristalnya keras tapi rapuh;
  • mempunyai titik didih dan titik leleh tinggi;
  • larut dalam pelarut air tetapi tidak larut dalam pelarut organik;
  • tidak menghantarkan listrik pada fase padat, tetapi pada
  • fase cair (lelehan) dan larutannya menghantarkan listrik.

Ikatan kovalen adalah ikatan yang terjadi akibat pemakaian pasangan electron secara bersama-sama oleh dua atom (James E. Brady, 1990).

yang perlu diperhatikan dalam ikatan kovalen adalah:
  • Ikatan kovalen terbentuk di antara dua atom yang sama-sama ingin menangkap electron.
  • Pasangan elektron yang dipakai bersama disebut pasangan electron ikatan (PEI) dan pasangan elektron valensi yang tidak terlibat dalam pembentukan ikatan kovalen disebut pasangan elektron bebas (PEB).
  • Ikatan kovalen umumnya terjadi antara atom-atom unsur nonlogam, bisa sejenis (contoh: H2, N2, O2, Cl2, F2, Br2, I2) dan berbeda jenis (contoh: H2O, CO2, dan lain-lain)
  • Senyawa yang hanya mengandung ikatan kovalen disebut senyawa kovalen.
Berdasarkan lambang titik Lewis dapat dibuat struktur Lewis atau rumus Lewis. Struktur Lewis adalah penggambaran ikatan kovalen yang menggunakan lambang titik Lewis di mana PEI dinyatakan dengan satu garis atau sepasang titik yang diletakkan di antara kedua atom dan PEB dinyatakan dengan titik-titik pada masing-masing atom.

Cara atom-atom saling mengikat dalam suatu molekul dinyatakan oleh rumus bangun atau rumus struktur. Rumus struktur diperoleh dari rumus Lewis dengan mengganti setiap pasangan elektron ikatan dengan sepotong garis. Misalnya, rumus bangun H2 adalah H – H


Ikatan logam adalah ikatan kimia yang terbentuk akibat penggunaan bersama elektron-elektron valensi antaratomatom logam. Contoh: logam besi, seng, dan perak.

Ikatan logam bukanlah ikatan ion atau ikatan kovalen. Salah satu teori yang dikemukakan untuk menjelaskan ikatan logam adalah teori lautan elektron.

Contoh terjadinya ikatan logam. Tempat kedudukan elektron valensi dari suatu atom besi (Fe) dapat saling tumpang tindih dengan tempat kedudukan elektron valensi dari atom-atom Fe yang lain. Tumpang tindih antarelektron valensi ini memungkinkan elektron valensi dari setiap atom Fe bergerak bebas dalam ruang di antara ion-ion Fe+ membentuk lautan elektron. Karena muatannya berlawanan (Fe2+ dan 2 e–), maka terjadi gaya tarik-menarik antara ion-ion Fe+ dan elektron-elektron bebas ini. Akibatnya terbentuk ikatan yang disebut ikatan logam.

Adanya ikatan logam menyebabkan logam bersifat:
  • pada suhu kamar berwujud padat, kecuali Hg;
  • keras tapi lentur/dapat ditempa;
  • mempunyai titik didih dan titik leleh yang tinggi;
  • penghantar listrik dan panas yang baik;
  • mengilap.

untuk selengkapnya ada di link berikut ini:

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Energi adalah kemampuan untuk melakukan kerja atau usaha yang bisa menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan

Macam macam bentuk energy
Energi kimia adalah energi yang tersimpan dalam persenyawaan kimia. Contoh dari energy kimia adalah : energy yang terkandung dalam makanan dan dalam minyak bumi. Untuk menghasilkan energy kimia maka selalu diawali dengan reaksi antara atom2 dalam senyawa yang bereaksi. Energy kimia yang ada di bumi ini adalah sebagian besar berasal dari energy matahari. Energy matahari mampu membantu tanaman melakukan fotosintesis yang hasilnya merupakan makanan untuk tumbuhan serta makhluk hidup yang lainnya. Tumbuhan tumbuhan yang telah tumbuh kemudian bisa terkubur di lapisan lapisan kulit bumi, dan menjadi fosil yang setelah bermilyar tahun bisa berubah menjadi minyak bumi.

Energi listrik merupakan salah satu bentuk energi yang paling banyak digunakan. Energi ini dipindahkan dalam bentuk aliran muatan listrik melalui kawat logam konduktor yang disebut arus listrik. Energi listrik dapat diubah menjadi bentuk energi yang lain seperti energi gerak, energi cahaya, energi panas, atau energi bunyi. Seperti pada televise, energy listrik berubah menjadi energy cahaya dan energy bunyi. Sebaliknya, energi listrik dapat berupa hasil perubahan energi yang lain, misalnya dari energi matahari, energi gerak, energi potensial air, energi kimia gas alam, dan energi uap.

Energi panas sering disebut juga energi kalor, merupakan salah satu bentuk energi yang berasal dari partikel-partikel penyusun suatu benda. Setiap benda tersusun oleh partikel-partikel. Jika ada sesuatu yang dapat membuat partikel-partikel ini bergerak, benda tersebut akan menghasilkan energi panas. Contohnya orang dapat membuat api dari kayu kering yang digosok-gosokkan. Kayu-kayu kering yang saling digosokkan akan menimbulkan panas yang dapat membakar bahan-bahan yang mudah terbakar.

Energi Bunyi
bunyi yang dihasilkan dari benda yang bergetar. Ketika benda bergetar, partikel-partikel udara di sekitar benda akan ikut bergetar, partikel-partikel inilah yang menimbulkan bunyi. Dengan demikian, bunyi dapat dihasilkan oleh getaran partikel udara di sekitar sumber bunyi.

Energi Nuklir
Reaksi nuklir terjadi karena reaksi inti di dalam inti radioaktif. Contoh energi nuklir terjadi pada ledakan bom atom dan reaksi inti yang terjadi di Matahari. Energi nuklir dapat digunakan sebagai energi pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN). Di Matahari, terjadi reaksi inti fusi yang menghasilkan energi nuklir yang sangat besar sehingga energi ini merupakan sumber energi utama di bumi.

Energi Mekanik
Dalam energy mekanik terdapat dua buah jenis energy yang saling memengaruhi, yaitu energi yang diakibatkan oleh ketinggian dan energi karena benda bergerak. Energi akibat perbedaan ketinggian disebut energi potensial gravitasi, sedangkan energi gerak disebut energi kinetik (energi gerak).
Energi mekanik merupakan penjumlahan dari energy potensial dan energi kinetik. Secara matematis persamaan energi mekanik dapat dituliskan sebagai berikut.

Recount Text

A glass of Envelope

My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year, we were traveling across the Channel and Jane put A piece of paper with her name and address on it into the bottle.

She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again but ten month later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland. Both girls wrote to each other regularly.

They decided to use electric email. they costed a little more, but they certainly travelled faster.

contoh Recount Text

My name is Harry Potter. People usually call me Harry. I’m a student of Hogward Wizardry School. Now, I’m in my eleventh grade. For last two years I had a bad time. I lost one of my favorite teacher and I had to fight against Voldermort. Now I have to study harder about wizardry so that I can be a good wizard and I can defeat Voldermort.

Next two years I will continue my study at Hogward wizardry school. I will continue Mr. Dumbledore wish to defeat the dark princess, Voldermort, and make all wizard Community living in peacefullness.

Text diatas adalah salah satu text recount. Text recount diawali dengan orientation, kemudian diikuti oleh beberapa event.
Dari text diatas yang termasuk orientation adalah:
My name is Harry Potter. People usually call me Harry. I’m a student of Hogward Wizardry School. Now, I’m in my eleventh grade.
For last two years I had a bad time. I lost one of my favorite teacher and I had to fight against Voldermort.

Description - Vocabulary

Berikut ini adalah beberapa kata yang digunakan dalam menulis description text. Untuk arti dari kata kata tersebut bisa di lihat di kamus.

Describing person
General look: handsome, beautiful, good looking, ugly
Physical look:
old, middle age, young, fifties, slim, skinny, well built, fat, medium built, tall, medium, height, short.
(Baby, oval, long) face, (round, small, narrow) eyes, (pale, dark) skin, (big, small, flat, pointed)nose, (full, small, thin)lips, (long, medium length, short, straight, wavy, curly, black, gray, brown, blond) hair, scar, pimples, moustache, beard, whisker, mole.
Wears glasses, earings,bando

He looks clever, loyal, confident, intelligent, honest, silent, cheerful, decisive, kind, generous, modest, simple, talkactive, lazy, arrogant, coward, selfish, easy going, sociable, stubborn.

Describing food
Shape: sphere, curve, pyramid, cylinder, round, oval, flat.
Size: long, short, big, small
Material: it is made of rice, sticky rice, cassava, wheat flour, rice flour.
Color: white, red, etc.
Taste: sweet, salty, sour, delicious, bland, spicy, salty, sour, tasty, bitter, horrible, mild

Describing animal
Size: big, small, huge
Color: white, black, etc.
Part of the body: long leg, short leg, long tail, etc.
Behavior: funny, clever, brave, noisy, quiet, obedient, friendly, loyal, easy to take care.
Food: grass, meat, vegetables, insect, fruits.

Stir fry(gongseng), boil(rebus pada panci tanpa tutup), steam(kukus), stew(rebus dalam panci tertutup), bake (panggang), fry(goreng), grill(bakar), bake(panggang), broil(dimasak di bawah api)
Steak : Rare(mentah), medium(setengah matang), well done(matang)
Egg: Scramble(acak), fried, boil, poached(rebus)
Lobster: grilled, baked, boiled, steamed

Narative Text


Once upon a time there lived a boy named Jack and his mother were very poor. One day Jack took their cow to the market to sell. On the way, he met a man. The man said, "I will give you magic beans for your cow." Jack took the beans and gave the cow to the man. Jack's mother was very angry. She threw the beans out the window.
The next day, Jack looked out the window and saw a beanstalk. He climbed up the stalk. At the top he saw a huge house. He knocked on the door and the giant's wife opened the door. She gave him breakfast. Suddenly, Jack heard, "Fee Fi Fo Fum. I smell the blood of an Englishman!" "Hurry," said the giant's wife. "Hide. He likes to eat boys!"
The giant sat down and asked for his hen. The giant's hen laid golden eggs. When the giant went to sleep, Jack pick up the hen and climbed down the beanstalk.
The next morning, Jack climbed up the beanstalk again. This time, the giant asked for his golden harp. When the giant went to sleep Jack picked up the harp. The harp shouted, "Master! Wake up!" The giant woke up and roared, "Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman."
Jack ran to the beanstalk and climbed down. The giant climbed down after him. "Mother, give me the axe" said Jack. Jack took the axe and chooped down the beanstalk. The giant fell into a big hole and disappeared. Jack and his mother lived happily ever after with the hen and the harp.

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Buku gratis - Introduction to Naval Engineering Architecture

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Introduction to Naval Architecture

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The MMS is investigating the potential impact of the operation of Floating Production, Storage and Offloading installations (FPSOs) in the Gulf of Mexico. One of the concerns of the MMS is the potential negative effect on the environment from accidental oil releases, and in connection with this they have contracted Ecology and Environment to conduct an environmental impact study. Ecology and Environment will calculate the consequences of oil releases on the marine and coastal resources and combine these findings with estimated frequencies of accidental releases. The work to estimating the frequency of accidental oil releases from FPSO operations has been sub-contracted to DNV. This report presents DNV’s findings.
Scope of Work
DNV’s scope of work includes predicting the frequency of unique accidental releases from operation of a generic FPSO in the GoM. The specification for the FPSO is taken from the “Scenario Report, Environmental Impact Statement on Floating, Production, Storage, and Offloading Systems on the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf” which provides an outline description of the FPSO and its operation. Where insufficient details are provided in the Scenario Report DNV has used judgement and experience of earlier FPSO risk analyses to supplement the information given. Good practice has been generally assumed.

The scope of the study includes:

  • All aspects of operation of the FPSO from the wellheads, through oil and gas production to export of the oil by shuttle tanker, and the gas by pipeline to shore.
  • Shuttle tanker transit risks to a shore terminal.
  • The various utilities provided by the FPSO required for operation and support of the people manning the installation.
  • External and environmental risk factors are also assessed.

The study does not include construction, installation commissioning and decommissioning of the FPSO, nor does it include drilling or work over of the wells. These were specifically excluded from the scope of work by MMS.
In addition to the basecase, the Scenario Report identifies options for the FPSO and its operation that may affect the environmental risk presented. These options have been qualitatively assessed to consider what impact, if any, they have on the overall risk. Also, DNV has identified a number of mitigation measures to reduce the risk due to accidental oil releases.

Margins of safety in FPSO hull strength

The important factors that should be considered when carrying out ultimate strength analysis are identified and discussed. Specific simplified procedures for determining ultimate strength are reviewed and compared against finite element approaches and probabilistic methods.
Sources of reserve and residual strength in FPSOs are identified and compared to those in discrete structural systems (e.g. offshore jacket structures). Performance indicators that are used for measuring the reserve and residual strength of structures are discussed and appropriate measures are selected for use in this study.
The report then draws back together the results from published investigations. There appears to be a trend that the reliability (i.e. factor of safety) in sagging is lower than that for hogging.
However, there is considerable variability in this, and so each hull arrangement needs to be considered on it’s own merits. Differences in reliability for sagging and hogging should ideally be minimized at the design stage for new installations, although there may be operational measures that can be adopted for existing installations.
Results from published investigations are then reinterpreted using the newly developed performance measures. Using simplified procedures for determining ultimate strength, five FPSOs representative of the North Sea fleet are also analysed. It is shown that hull configurations and relative member properties are important influences. Differences in the definitions of strength measures are noted, underlining difficulties in drawing comparisons between various FPSOs. However, it is clear that the margin (usually referred to as reserve strength) between the load corresponding to first component failure and the load corresponding to ultimate strength can vary considerably. It is also noted that the margin (usually referred to as the residual strength) between the load corresponding to ultimate strength and the load corresponding to some pre-defined displacement beyond the ultimate strength can vary considerably. It is concluded that there is no measure that can be used on its own to describe the performance of FPSO structures under extreme loading.


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The international maritime community has embraced the need to introduce and adopt security measures to protect vital shipping, facility and port assets from terrorist attacks. This said, the maritime security environment is dynamic and changing, and the specific nature of the threat can vary across time, from country to country, and – within an individual country – from port to port. Threat and risk assessments, and training scenarios, need to become more dynamic, and tailored to specific needs of individual ports, facilities and even vessels. To this end, we introduce a simple set of tools that may allow port and facility managers, and vessel security officers to perform their own individualized risk assessments; specifically the use of risk matrices to help identify their most likely risks, and develop security and training plans accordingly. Very simply, a risk matrix allows the user to identify how serious a risk is, based on the expected destructiveness (cost) of an event, and the probability of that event occurring.
Keywords Maritime security; maritime terrorism; risk assessment; risk matrix; risk analysis


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This study clarifies the current traffic situation in the Istanbul Strait, TURKEY based on statistical information; 928 data from across 75 years. The main objective is to investigate the risk profile of maritime accidents in the Istanbul Strait, and then to build up a methodology for minimizing human error. Maritime accidents have occurred in spite of existing safeguards. The main reason is that these safeguards do not concern enough the minimizing of human error. Evaluation methods of human behavior are restricted, and it is very difficult to model it among all parameters of the components in a safety system.
The geographical and physical specifications of the Istanbul Strait are investigated and the potential threats defined as the risk profile. Then, proper analysis will be implemented on the resulting statistical information and the factors discussed are called 4M (Man, Machine, Media and Management) both individually and from an aspect of their mutual related effects. The existing safeguards are so evaluated, and their effectiveness is judged through carrying out experimental studies. For this purpose, the Ship Handling Simulator and actual onboard experiences have been utilized. These studies can provide the necessary data for understanding the human factors involved during navigation.
Keywords Maritime Safety; Istanbul Strait; risk assessment; human error; 4M

Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Theory

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Uncertain input parameters may result from “fuzziness”, “randomness” or “fuzzy randomness”. With the use of fuzzy set theory, uncertain input parameters may be described mathematically as fuzzy variables or fuzzy random variables and may be integrated into safety assessment analysis. With the aid of α-discretization involving the multiple solution of special optimization problems, fuzzy input parameters are mapped onto the uncertain result set. If the deterministic input data are characterized by “fuzziness”, the fuzzy results are uncertain outcomes of the structural analysis; safety assessment may then be carried out using possibility theory. If the input parameters exist in the form of fuzzy random variables, the computed fuzzy failure probabilities may be used for safety assessment. A fuzzy 1st-order reliability method (FFORM) is proposed, which is capable of handling fuzzy as well as fuzzy random variables.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Control System Design Risk Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic

This manual describes a technique that can be used to assess the impact of the flight control system on aircraft configuration geometry. The primary purpose is to perform trade-off studies between different aircraft configurations in the preliminary design phases of development. It can also be easily automated and adapted for use in aircraft configuration optimization problems.
The underlying approach is to determine the control system structure that is needed to correct deficiencies in the dynamics of the aircraft. The complexity of the control system is assumed to measure the amount of risk associated with that aircraft (if it were built). Configurations that require a very simple control system architecture would incur only a small risk. Configurations with a very complicated control system would be assigned a higher risk.
The required control system architecture is determined using a set of fuzzy logic rules. These rules are developed using experience and knowledge about how control systems are designed. Using this approach, a control system is not actually designed for a given configuration under study. Only the required control system structure is determined. The final design of the control system would come after the final configuration has been selected and detailed aerodynamic and structural models are developed.
This report describes a procedure and rule base to determine the flight control design risk for the longitudinal axis of aircraft motion. Only one specification regarding aircraft flying qualities is considered. However, the rules and methods described in this report could also be expanded to include other design requirements and specifications.

Evaluation Of The Wildfire Ignition Risk By The Aid Of Fuzzy Logic

The danger of destructive wildfires has become a major issue in the U.S. due to decades of fuel accumulation from fire suppression efforts. With more people moving closer to or living in the wildland-urban interface, the risk of wildfires has increased dramatically. Wildfire risk analysis is aiming at predicting when and where wildfires will likely occur, and measures can be taken in advance to reduce the number and the intensity of disasters. In general, wildfire risk analysis can be divided into ignition risk analysis and fire behavior risk analysis. This study focuses on an ignition fire risk analysis in Rabun County, Georgia. Four fire risk related factors — human activity, illumination, elevation and vegetation type — were derived from spatial datasets. Three of them were used as linguistic variables, and then fuzzy set theory and fuzzy inference were applied to these variables to model wildfire risk levels (low, possible, substantial and high). The final result is a thematic risk level map that suggests that fuzzy logic can be used as a powerful tool in the field of fire risk analysis to predict more interpretable risk levels for a certain area. Some advantages and disadvantages of using fuzzy logic over traditional approaches were also discussed in the paper.


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Fuzzy Inference As An Approach To Safety Management System (SMS) Analysis



Safety analysis is one of the major areas of Ship Management company activity that frequently comes face to face with a nontraditional problem of "measurements of safety". The question arises of how to estimate or measure the safety level? There is no doubt that, post accident,
a priori statistical analyses or Formal Safety Assessment are not effective instruments to apply in a real-time interval, especially in emergencies. The majority of problems are directly linked with the human factor, which is very difficult to formalize.
The safety analyses generally serve as decision aids. Wise decisions are essential in any safety
program. Human decisions depend on numerous factors that transcend requirements and physical response, and many of these can be captured mathematically using fuzzy logic.
Fuzzy logic is conceptually easy to understand in SMS applications. It is flexible. With any given SMS it's easy to massage or layer more functionality on top of it without starting again from scratch, for example: to incorporate ISPS Code procedures into the already working SMS. Fuzzy logic is tolerant of imprecise data and there is a lot of such data in shipping.
Fuzzy logic can model nonlinear functions of arbitrary complexity. Fuzzy logic can be built on top of the experience of maritime safety experts and it can be blended with conventional control techniques. The most impressive feature is that fuzzy logic is based on natural language.
The paper highlights some problems mentioned above and contains the research findings on evaluation of technical and human factor impact on safety at sea using fuzzy logic approach and applying such factors (linguistic variables) as safety, fatigue, OOW distractions, deficiencies, near misses, skill, level of education and training, technical failures, company policy/culture, etc.

Risk Assessment of Fishing Vessels



The work described in this paper is concerned with the systematic analysis of the hazards of fishing vessels. Statistical data is reviewed and analyzed and fault tree analysis is applied to find the relative importance of each component with respect to system reliability. In this analysis, the loss of vessel is chosen as the top event, then branching out to the basic events such as human error, structural failure, fish on deck etc. This method is considered an essential approach for providing a much better basis for safety decision making.
Finally, in order to reduce the accidents to vessels and crew, some suggestions are made to reduce the probability of human error to improve the stability and safety of vessels.
Key Words: Fishing Vessels, Risk Assessment, Fault Tree, Human Error