Friday, June 11, 2010

English Exercise - 7 Grade - Procedure Text - Narative Text

To play a cassette, follow these steps:
1. First, put the cassette in the tape recorder
2. Second, push the PLAY button
3. Next, adjust the VOLUME
4. Then, push the STOP button to stop
5. Finally, push the FAST FORWARD or FAST BACKWARD button to go to an intended part
To record on your tape recorder, follow these steps:
1. First, put a blank cassette in the tape recorder
2. Second, push the RECORD button
3. Then, speak into the microphone
4. Remember to push the REWIND button to rewind the cassette
5. Finally, push PLAY to listen to your recording
1. What are the steps to play a cassette?
2. What are the steps to record on a tape recorder?
3. What is the function of the PLAY button?
4. What is the function of the RECORD button?
5. Which button do you push to go to an intended part?

Arrange the following sentences to write a good procedure text of making a phone call on a public phone box.
1. Dial the number
2. End your call
3. Insert a coin
4. Pick up the receiver
5. Put back the receiver
6. Start speaking
7. Wait for the dial tone

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