Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Exhaust emissions monitoring has become an increasingly important issue as the marine
transportation community seeks to reduce air emissions. However, estimates of current and projected pollution from marine engines are based largely on emissions calculations rather than onboard measurements. These calculations make standard assumptions about vessel operations, engine load profiles, and emissions characteristics in the same way that emissions estimates are calculated for other air pollution sources. While this approach has been proven effective for large-scale inventories of emissions from well-understood sources like factories and cars, these methods may be less accurate when applied to sources that have not been extensively studied. It is widely acknowledged that in-service engines perform differently than the new engines tested and certified by manufacturers. Moreover, individual engines may not perform like the “average engine” described using composite industry profiles or international standards.
The Maritime Administration (MARAD), in support of U.S. fleet technology development and
modernization, has provided support for some of these tests and expects more operators will choose to test their marine engine emissions,. As the principal advocate within Government for U.S. maritime interests, MARAD has initiated a Maritime Energy and Clean Emissions Program. The Program seeks to:
  • Investigate and demonstrate the potential for new technologies and fuels to improve marine power plant efficiency and to reduce air emissions.
  • Provide guidance and information on maritime energy and emissions regulatory and policy issues.
  • Protect the human and natural environment directly in contact with marine activity.
This document provides general guidelines and information to an operator who wants to monitor the emissions from one or more of the engines in a fleet of vessels. These guidelines are a result of a partnership between MARAD, the University of Delaware, and industry to research, develop, and disseminate information on energy and emissions technology and technology applications.
This report provides background discussion and outlines several reasons operators may choose to have their vessels tested. The include improving engine efficiency, meeting regulations, demonstrating environmental stewardship, and contributing to public knowledge and research.
Fundamentals of emissions testing are presented, along with a summary of existing standard protocols.

Buku gratis - Introduction to Marine Engineering

Buku Introduction to Marine Engineering. bisa sebagai referensi untuk menulis tugas bagi mahasiswa permesinan kapal, karena buku ini membahas peralatanatau mesin yang digunakan di kapal.


Laporan KNKT Kecelakaan kapal MT Maulana

25 APRIL 2007


Pada tangal 24 April 2007, pukul 09.45 WIB, MT. Maulana sandar kiri di Jetty No. 1Pertamina Pekanbaru, Riau. Kemudian pada pukul 10.36 MT. Maulana melakukan bongkar muatan yang berupa ADO/Solar sampai dengan pukul 19.06 WIB.
Pada tanggal 25 April 2007, pukul 08.00 WIB MT. Maulana mulai bertolak dari Jetty No.1 Pekanbaru menuju pelabuhan Dumai untuk memuat premium sebanyak 1600 Kl. kapal berlayar sambil melaksanakan pembebasan gas (gas freeing) secara alami dengan membuka semua bukaan tangki (ullage, vent, dll)
Pada pukul 10.58 WIB, salah seorang awak kapal (serang) melihat adanya asap keluar dari Terminal listrik yang berada di bawah manifold tengah, dan segera melaporkan kepada nakhoda di anjungan, usaha pemadaman dilakukan dengan menggunakan pemadam jinjing dilakukan oleh Masinis II, Juru Minyak, Serang dan Kadet (Taruna Praktek). Ketika mendekati terminal listrik yang berasap, terjadi ledakan tangki muat 3 kiri dan kanan. Ledakan terjadi pada pukul 11.00 WIB. Lokasi Kecelakaan di daerah tingkungan kiri Telepung (00o 44’ 50” LU – 101o 42’ 25” BT).
Setelah ledakan, Nakhoda segera mengambil tindakan untuk mengkandaskan kapal, dan memerintahkan awak kapal untuk menggunakan jaket pelampung dan kemudian meninggalkan kapal (abandonship). Pemadaman terus dilakukan dari sisi sungai dengan dibantu masyarakat sekitar, POLAIR dan TNI-AL pos Perawang.
Hingga pada pukul 13.30, nakhoda memerintahkan awak kapal kembali ke kapal untuk melakukan pendinginan geladak dan proses evakuasi korban.
Akibat dari meledaknya MT. Maulana ini, 4 Awak kapal meninggal dunia dan kerusakan berat pada geladak tangki muat 3 kiri dan kanan, serta sistem perpipaan yang ada di atasnya.
Segera dilakukan investigasi oleh KNKT, yang ditemukan dari hasil analisis penyebab meledaknya MT. Maulana disebabkan oleh adanya kebocoran pipa hawa yng berdekatan dengan terminal listrik yang terbakarnya isolasi kabel dan atau material pembungkus kabel.
Investigasi ini menghasilkan beberapa rekomendasi yang ditujukan kepada pemerintah selaku regulator, pemilik kapal selaku operator, juga kepada awak kapal.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Laporan Kecelakaan Kapal

Ingin baca seluruhnya? Klik : FULL REPORT


Summary of Investigations No 2/94
Marine Accident Investigation Branch
5/7 Brunswick Place
Hants SO15 2AN
Telephone : 0703 395500
Accident Reporting Line 071 276 6004 (24 hours)

This summary contains facts which have been determined up to the time of issue. This information is published to inform the shipping industry and the public of the general circumstances of accidents and must necessarily be regarded as tentative and subject to alteration or correction if additional evidence becomes available.

Extracts can be published without specific permission providing that the source is duly acknowledged.

  • Introduction
  • Grounding of Oil Tanker after Windlass Failure
  • Panic Action leads to Loss of Ship
  • Fatal Accident whilst Opening Hatch Covers
  • Cargo Shift causes Vessel to be Beached
  • Over-pressurisation of Cargo Tank during Ballasting Operations of a VLCC
  • Stand-by Safety Vessel puts Offshore Installation at Risk
  • Two Fires involving Lubricating Oil Filter Installation
  • Inadvertent Release of CO,
  • Stand-by Safety Vessel collides with Tow and Sinks
  • Undue Reliance placed upon VTS Radio Communication
  • Passengers Injured in River Collision
  • Collision in Fog
  • Major Injury caused by Revolving Propeller Shaft
  • Collision between Gill Netter and Gas Carrier
  • Hazards of Fishing near Traffic Lanes
  • Man Swept Overboard by Large Wave
  • Small Fishing Vessel is pulled under by Winch
  • Injury caused by Incorrect Operation of Equipment on board a Fishing Vessel
  • Any Means of Access must be Safe
  • First Aid Saves Life of Fisherman
  • Appendix A - Investigations Commenced in the Period 01/04/94 - 31/07/94
  • Appendix B - MAIB Priced Publications available from HMSO
  • Appendix C - HMSO Stockists and Distributors Overseas

Laporan Kecelakaan Kapal

laporan ini berkaitan dengan kecelakaan kapal. Bisa digunakan untuk referensi kuliah marine safety.
Jika ingin membaca isi laporan silakan klik: FULL REPORT


Marine Accident Investigation Branch
5/7 Brunswick Place
Hants SO1 2AN
Telephone: 0703 232424
Accident Reporting Line: 071 276 6004 (24 hours)

This summary contains facts which have been determined up to the time of issue. This information is published to inform the shipping industry and the public of the general circumstances of accidents and must necessarily be regarded as tentative and subject to alteration or correction if additional evidence becomes available.

  • Introduction
  • Entry into Dangerous Spaces
  • Collision on a River between a Coaster and Tanker Barge
  • Loss of a Sailing Vessel
  • Fire in a Cofferdam of a Chemical Tanker
  • Impact Damage whilst Un-Berthing
  • Injury to Coach Passenger on a Passenger Ro-Ro Ferry
  • Loss of a Small Cargo Ship
  • Collision between a Hopper and a Sludge Carrier
  • Cargo Hold Fire
  • Stranding of a New Ferry
  • Fish Farm Dinghy Accident
  • Serious Injuries Sustained using a Capstan whilst Purse-Seining
  • Capsize and Foundering of a Small Fishing Launch
  • Sinking of a Small Fishing Vessel
  • Danger from Mines: Sinking of a Fishing Vessel

Hazards Identification and Prioritization in Formal Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic Theory

Jurnal dibawah ini tentang penilaian keselamatan dengan menggunakan teori fuzzy. Cukup mudah untuk dimengerti karena metodologinya jelas. Bagus untuk referensi tugas safety

jika ingin mengetahui lebih klik link berikut: FULL JURNAL

Hazards Identification and Prioritization in Formal Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic Theory

Author: G. N. Dourmas; N. V. Nikitakos; M. A. Lambrou


Formal safety assessment of ships has attracted great attention over the last few years. This paper, following a brief review of the current status of marine safety assessment is focused on the hazards identification (HAZID) and prioritization process, as the first step in the formal ship safety assessment. A multicriteria decision making framework which is based on experts’ estimation is then proposed for hazards evaluation. This paper proposes an innovative methodological approach to evaluate hazards by turning the qualitative judgments to quantitative, where sets of general and domain-specific criteria are used to judge the relative consequences of alternative hazards. The proposed methodology has the innovative feature of embodying techniques of fuzzy logic theory into the classical multicriteria decision analysis. The paper concludes by exploring the potentiality of the above methodology in providing a robust and flexible evaluation framework suitable to the characteristics of a hazard evaluation problem.

Effect of mooring system on moored ship motions and harbour tranquillity

Shigeki Sakakibara & Masayoshi Kubo

Recently, numerical simulation on the motions of ship moored in ports and harbours is carried out to evaluate property of the motions, and is applied to calculating harbour tranquillity directly. However, the simulations take much time, costs and knowledge on evaluation of the results. In this paper, we propose simple graphs for estimating the moored ship motions and mooring loads by a simple index: ‘asymmetrical parameter’, which is derived from ratio of spring constants between fenders and mooring lines, and demonstrate an evaluation method on harbour tranquillity and effect of the fender type (pneumatic or buckling types) on it.

Keywords: moored ship motions; harbour tranquillity; mooring system; fender; mooring line; subharmonic motions; numerical simulation; wave; wind.

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Audit And Inspection Of Ship Safety


This Guide recommends a preventative approach to public health protection. A preventative approach requires more than merely responding to outbreaks and occasionally testing endproduct materials. Proactive health protection needs to be promoted though rigorous inspection and audit of the preventative control measures to check that they adequate and that they are functioning as intended. This chapter describes activities that port health officers should consider auditing to promote preventative public health protection and to maintain adequate standards and reputation.
The ship’s master or their representative must ensure the identification of health risks and the control of these risks. The role of the port health officer is to audit the systems put in place by the ship’s master, to verify the practical implementation of these systems, and to provide advice and assistance in improving these systems.
An inspection provides a snapshot of the ship’s operations and of how systems are implemented and maintained. The officer should examine and verify a sample of the risk assessment, the control measures and any associated monitoring. Port health officers should seek to identify risks arising from the activities on ships and the effectiveness of the ship’s own assessment of risks and control. Both the quality of any plans and the extent of implementation need to be assessed.

Jika ingin membaca seluruhnya silakan klik link berikut: FULL JURNAL

Assessment of Ship Safety Controls in the Torres Strait and Great Barrier Reef For the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)

Berikut ini merupakan sebagian laporan DV yang terkait dengan penilaian keselamatan kapal yang melintasi Great Barrier Reef. Laporan ini bisa digunakan untuk referensi mata kuliah keselamatan ( Marine Safety).

Jika ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut laporan DV ini silakan klik link berikut:
Laporan DV

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has commissioned this report from Det Norske Veritas (DNV). It forms part of the Review of Great Barrier Reef Ship Safety & Pollution Prevention Measures launched in November 2000 by the Commonwealth Minister for Transport and Regional Services. The terms of reference for the wider review address a specific range of issues involved in implementing initiatives in five key areas:
  1. Extending the compulsory pilotage area in the Reef taking into account the availability of skilled pilots and possible impacts on fatigue management;
  2. Advancing the introduction of technological developments to track and monitor shipping operations in the Reef;
  3. Enhancing existing ship routeing, traffic management and emergency response arrangements;
  4. Constraining certain types of ships from operating in the Reef or adjacent to it having regard to their condition, operational status and / or cargo;
  5. Improving legislative powers of intervention and enforcement, heightening the level of offences and penalties, and ordering restitution, to the maximum extent possible under international law.
This report is submitted to the Steering Committee overseeing the review. The committee contains senior officials of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), Queensland Transport (QT), the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) and the Commonwealth Department of Transport & Regional Services (DOTRS).
This work evaluates the effects of a range of preventative and mitigative controls on the risks associated with shipping activity (Points 1 – 4 above). Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) has been employed in making these judgements.
The area under consideration covers the Torres Strait and the Inner and Outer Great Barrier Reef Shipping Routes. These are characterised in greater detail in Section 2.1.

Assessing Uncertainty in Simulation Based Maritime Risk Assessment

Recent work in the assessment of risk in maritime transportation systems has used simulation-based probabilistic risk assessment techniques. In the Prince William Sound and Washington State Ferries risk assessments, the studies’ recommendations were backed up by estimates of their impact made using such techniques and all recommendations were implemented. However, the level of uncertainty about these estimates was not available, leaving the decision-makers unsure whether the evidence was sufficient to assess specific risks and benefits. The first step towards assessing the impact of uncertainty in maritime risk assessments is to model the uncertainty in the simulation models used. In this paper, a study of the impact of proposed ferry service expansions in San Francisco Bay is used as a case study to demonstrate the use of Bayesian simulation techniques to propagate uncertainty throughout the analysis. The conclusions drawn in the original study are shown, in this case, to be robust to the inherent uncertainties. The main intellectual merit of this work is the development of Bayesian simulation technique to model uncertainty in the assessment of maritime risk. However, Bayesian simulations have only been implemented as theoretical demonstrations. Their use in a large, complex system may be considered state of the art in the field of computational sciences.

Keywords: Uncertainty Analysis, Bayesian Simulation, Maritime Risk Assessment.

Jika ingin membaca jurnal selengkapnya silakan klik link berikut ini:
Jurnal Fuzzy

Safety Assessment of FPSO Turret-Mooring System Using Approximate Reasoning and Evidential Reasoning

Berikut ini jurnal tentang FPSO. Yang tertulis disini hanya abstraknya saja, jika anda ingin membaca lebih jauh silakan klik link berikut: Jurnal fuzzy

Numerous Acts of Parliament and Statutory Instruments which apply to Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) developments in the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS), covering a wide range of issues including health, technical safety, work place safety, lifting operations, environmental protection and pollution prevention and control, are described. A comprehensive study of system safety evaluation of a typical
turret-mooring system used on FPSOs is described in this paper. A safety assessment method suggested using approximate reasoning and evidential reasoning approaches is proposed in this study. Subjective safety modelling at the bottom level in a hierarchical framework is carried out using an approximate reasoning approach. The evidential reasoning method is used to combine or aggregate safety estimates at lower levels to produce the safety estimate at the system level. The four main sub-systems (Turret (T), Fluid Transfer System (FTS), Turret Transfer System (TTS) and Interfacing System (IS)) are thoroughly examined in order to perform a subjective safety assessment of the turret-mooring system.

Can Fuzzy Logic Bring Complex Problems into Focus? Modeling Imprecise Factors in Environmental Policy

In modeling complex environmental problems, we often fail to make precise statements about inputs and outcome. In this case the fuzzy logic method native to the human mind provides a useful way to get at these problems.

Fuzzy logic has become a common way of dealing with information in a number of fields, such as control theory, smart machines, investment analysis and so on. But the application of fuzzy sets can and has been extended to environmental science and policy. For anyone who has worked on health and environmental issues, it becomes immediately obvious that we deal constantly with fuzzy concepts—hazard, acceptable, safe, etc. Even concepts such as carcinogen and neurotoxin define fuzzy sets whose members are selected by experts who review and make judgments on conflicting toxicology or epidemiology. In spite of their relevance and early efforts to promote
their use in risk assessment2, fuzzy logic applications are still rare in risk assessment or other environmental assessments.

In this paper we consider whether and how fuzzy logic and fuzzy arithmetic apply to risk assessment and environmental policy. We use a case study assessment of water quality in the Ganga river of India to illustrate this evaluation. Our goal is to consider whether and how much this approach can be applied more broadly for environmental assessments.

Ingin membaca jurnal selengkapnya, silakan klik link berikut ini:
Jurnal fuzzy


Parikan iku unen unen rong gatra. wanda pungkasan pedhotaning gatra kapisan kecape padha karo wanda pungkasan pedhotaning gatra kang kapindho. gatra kang kapisan minangka purwaka, dene karepe ana ing gatra kapindho.
saben sagatra dipedhot 4 - 4; 4 - 8 utawa 8 - 8.

a. parikan pedhotan 4 - 4
  • tawon madu ngisep sekar, golek ilmu kudu sabar.
  • ngasah arit nganti landep, dadi murid kudu sregep.
  • wedhang bubuk gula jawa, ora mathuk klewa klewa.
  • wajik klethik gula jawa, luwih becik sing prasaja.

b. parikan pedhotan 4 - 8
  • kembang aren, sumebar tepining kalen. Aja dahwen, yen kowe kepingin kajen
  • kembang kencur, ganda sedhep sandhing sumur. kudu jujur, yen kowe kepingin luhur.
  • kembang mlati, gandha arum warna peni. putra putri, kudu gemi lan nastiti
  • kembang cengkeh, gandha sedhep warna aneh. wong sing sumeh, tartamtu mitrane akeh.

c. parikan pedothan 8 - 8
  • kutha sala ajeg rame, sri wedhari neng tengahe. aku gela marga kowe, yen janji arang nyatane
  • sega punar sega empal, segane penganten anyar. dadi murid aja nakal kudu ulah ati sabar.
  • jangan kacang jangan kara, kaduk uyah kurang gula. piwelingku mring para mudha, aja wedi ing rekasa.
  • mungguh kembang mlati, ana kombang ana tawon. aja wang wang jaman iki, pembangunan mesti klakon.
  • godhong adas sambirata, iku jamu mumpangati. aja lali para kanca, sinau kang setiti.


Cangkriman iku unen-unen kang njaluk dibatang. Ana kang asale mung saka anggone nggathuk nggatukake wandane tembung sawetara. Nanging ana kang awujud irib-iribaning barang.

a. Kang awujud gathuke wancahaning tembung
  • gowang pelot = jagone ana ing lawang, cempene mencolot
  • les-mba-dhonge-karwa-pete = tales amba godhonge cikar dawa tipete
  • manuk biru = pamane punuk, bibine kuru
  • pothel kidi = tompo cemanthel kaki wedi
  • segara beldhes = segane pera sambele pedhes.
  • tuwok rawan = untu krowok larane ga karuan
  • wit thoyung = yen dijiwit atho biyung
  • gerbong tulis = pager kobong watune mendhelis
  • sinyo tuwan = gusine menyonyo untune kedawan
  • buta buri = tebu ditata mlebu lori
b. Kang awujud irib iribing barang
  • bosok malah enak = tape
  • dicakot pucuke, sing kalong bongkote = rokok
  • emboke wuda anake ubet ubetan = pring
  • pitik walik saba kebon = nanas
  • tibane ngisor, digoleki dhuwur = gendheng trocoh
  • wit adhikih, woh adhakah = semangka
  • wit adhakah, woh adhikih = waringin
  • kayu mati ginubet ula mati = gasingan
  • dijupuki malah dadi mundhak gedha = juglangan
  • sego sak kepel dirubung tinggi = salak


Wangsalan iku unen-unen wujud cangkriman kang dikantheni batangane pisan, sanajan batangan mau mung nrempet bae. Sing baku batangane, dudu cangkrimane. Batangan mau lumrahe isi piwulang.

  • reca kayu, goleka sabda rahayu. ( reca kayu = golekan)
  • bayem arda, dhasar anteng tur jatmika (bayem arda = lanteng)
  • kukus gantung, sawengan kang adi luhung. (kukus gantung = sawang)
  • durna putra, ngudiya basa utama (durna putra = aswatan)
  • gayung sumur, kewan gung granane dawa. aja kemba, mangesthi saliring karya. ( gayung sumur = timba; kewan gung granane dawa = esthi (gajah))
  • bibis tasik, tasik manda winor tirta. maju mundur, tangeh marem kang pinanggya ( bibis tasik = undur undur, tasik manda winor tirta = parem)
  • tapas aren, aren arab wijilira. tindak tanduk, nora ninggal tata krama. (tapas aren = duk; aren Arab wijilira = kurma)
  • saron agung, agung agunging sujanma. yen mung ewuh, sabarang nora tumeka ( saron agung = demung; agung agunging sujanma = ratu)
  • cipta arda, ardaning tyas mring sasama. tyas susila, nor raga ambek jatmika. ( cipta arda = nepsu; ardhaning tyas mring sasama = ambek)
  • mamet tirta, tirta jawah jro ketiga. suka lila,lebur luluh labuh praja. ( mamet tirta = ngangsu, tirta jawah jro ketiga = labuh)

Wangsulan ing dhuwur kuwi awujud ukara rong gatra. gatra kapisan cangkimane, gatra kapindo batangane. Ana kang mawa etungan 4 wanda + 8 wanda, ana kang etungane ( 4 wanda + 8 wanda) x 2

Kajaba wangsalan wangsalan ing dhuwur uga ana wangsalan padinan. Ukara wangsalan padinan iku ora ndadak nganggo ngelingi etungan cacahing wanda. Ana sing ngganggo nyebutake batangane, ana sing tanpa nyebutake batangane.

A. tuladha wangsalan padinan kang ora nyebutake batangane :
  • We lha, njanur gunung kowe tekan kene. (janur gunung = aren = kadingaren)
  • Bok aja nglemah bengkah. (nglemah bengkah = tela = nyela nyela)
  • Aja njenang gula lho karo aku. ( jenang gula = glali = lali)
  • Wah, mandhan rawa lho kowe, bareng macak Jawa ( pandhan rawa = wlingi/manglingi)
  • Mung kepengen nggentha dara. ( gentha dara = sawangan = nyawang)

B. Tuladha wangsalan padiman kang nyebutake batangane
  • Nyaron bumbung, nganti cengklungen nggonku ngenteni. (saron bumbung = angklung = cengklungen)
  • Yen ora nesu, geneya kowe kok mentil kacang, mrengut terus. ( mentil kacang = sungut = mrengut)
  • Balung geni, mbokmenawa aku rene liya dina. ( balung geni = mawa = mbokmenawa)
  • Pindhang lulang, kacek apa aku karo dheweke. ( pindhang lulang = krecek = kacek)
  • Kancing gelung munggweng dhadha, titenana! ( kancing gelung munggweng dhadha = peniti = titenana)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Free Books - vocabulary exercise

Gratis buku latihan vocabulary bahasa inggris, mulai dari tingkat elementary sampai upper. Bermanfaat untuk yang sedang belajar atau mengajar. Selamat belajar....

Download di link berikut:
Cambridge Vocabulary 1
Cambridge Vocabulary 2
Cambridge vocabulary3

Cahaya - cermin datar, cermin cekung, cermin cembung

Pemantulan cahaya
Kita dapat melihat benda disebabkan oleh dua hal, yang pertama, benda bisa memancarkan cahaya atau benda tersebut adalah sumber cahaya, dan yang kedua adalah benda tersebut memantulkan cahaya dari sumber cahaya sehingga mata kita bisa menangkap cahaya terpantul dan kita bisa melihat benda tersebut.

Jenis pemantulan cahaya:
1. pemantulan sempurna { terjadi pada cermin}
2. pemantulan difus atau baur {terjadi pada benda benda yang tidak rata permukaannya}

Pemantulan pada cermin datar
Hukum pemantulan pada cermin datar: "sinar datang, garis normal, dan sinar pantul terletak pada satu bidang datar" , " sudut datang selalu sama dengan pantul"

Sifat bayangan dari cermin datar:
  1. besar bayangan sama dengan besar benda
  2. jarak bayangan sama dengan jarak benda
  3. benda dan bayangan simetrik terhadap bidang cermin
  4. semu atau maya karena tidak dapat ditangkap dengan layar.

Pemantulan cermin cekung
pada pemantulan cermin cekung bayangan dihasilkan dari perpotongan dua sinar pantul. sinar pantul pada cermin cekung di hasilkan dari sinar datang, atau yang sering dikenal dengan sinar utama. sifat sifat sinar utama dari cermin cekung adalah:
  1. berkas sinar yang sejajar sumbu utama cermin, dipantulkan melalui titik api (fokus)
  2. berkas sinar yang melalui fokus akan dipantulkan sejajar sumbu utama
  3. berkas sinar yang melalui titik pusat kelengkungan cermin dipantulkan kembali seperti sinar datang.

dari pemantulan sinar sinar datang akan terbentuk bayangan, sifat bayangan dari cermin cekung adalah:
  1. jika benda ada di ruang III : Nyata, terbalik, diperkecil
  2. jika benda ada di ruang II : Nyata, terbalik, diperbesar
  3. jika benda ada di ruang I : Maya, tegak, diperbesar
  4. pada titik pusat (M) : Nyata, terbalik, hi = ho, si = so
  5. pada titik fokus (f) : tak berhingga

Pemantulan pada cermin cembung
sifat sinar utama pada cermin cembung:
  1. sinar datang sejajar sumbu utama dipantulkan seolah olah dari fokus
  2. sinar datang ke titik fokus dipantulkan sejajar sumbu utama
  3. sinar datang ke titik pusat kembali ke arah yang berlawanan

sifat bayangan cermin cembung:
maya, tegak, diperkecil, berada di belakang cermin

untuk versi Ms. Word yang lebih lengkap bisa didownload di link berikut ini:
Cahaya - cermin

LNG Carrier “Hilli” Power Plant Control & Protection Conversion - laporan studi kasus genset kapal dengan load sharer

Laporan study kasus pada kapal tanker yang genset kapal menggunakan load sharer, dan kemudian load sharer diganti menggunakan digital load sharer

LNG Carrier “Hilli” Power Plant Control & Protection Conversion

The LNG tanker Hilli is managed by Golar Management. The vessel is a steam engine driven,liquefied natural gas/liquefied petroleum gas carrier with six spherical cargo tanks. Hilli was built in Norway in 1975 by Moss Rosenberg Stavanger. The vessel has been carrying gas ever since delivery without major incident.

Summary of Issues
The vessel was due for a thorough “life extension” to guarantee a further 10-15 years of operation. A key part of this life extension was to ensure that the existing power system was as robust and reliable as possible.
As the power generation system is critical to the operation of the vessel, particular attention was paid to the control and protection of the generating plant on board.....

jika ingin membaca lebih lanjut silakan ikuti link berikut ini:
LNG Carrier “Hilli” Power Plant Control & Protection Conversion

The Ship’s Electrical Network, Engine Control and Automation - Jurnal Electrical - Marine Engineering

The Ship’s Electrical Network, Engine Control and Automation

Electrical power in ships is usually produced by a synchronous generator. Given the essential nature of electrical power onboard ship, several means are used to assure its continuous availability. The main switchboard is divided into two or more sections. Also necessary are a switchboard supplied by an emergency generator as well as an uninterrupted (battery secured) power supply (Figs. 2 and 3), both for reasons of safety and to ensure redundancy.

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The Ship’s Electrical Network, Engine Control and Automation



When bivalent logic is applied, there are just two possible answers to a question, namely those of yes or no. However, in practice questions exist that can be answered only with difficulty or practically cannot be answered unequivocally using the bivalent logic. Fuzzy logic makes it possible to answer a question by making a choice from among an infinite number of possible answers. Whereas when using bivalent logic we assign 1 to a yes answer and 0 to a no answer, when using fuzzy logic, a reply can be expressed by an arbitrary number equal to........

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Elements and methods for risk assessment of an electric power transmission system in terms of their influence on the environment are analyzed in the paper. Kinds and effects of the influence of the system on the ecological, social and technical systems are pointed out. According to the analysis of the elements for the assessment of a transmission system influence on the environment, a suggestion regarding the activities for overall risk assessment is made. Accident and cumulative risk are examined; analytical, statistical and fuzzy risk assessment methods are analyzed.

Key Words: Transmission system, environment, risk assessment, methods for risk assessment

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Fuzzy Decision Support System Using Risk Analysis

Jurnal fuzzy tentang sistem pendukung pengambilan keputusan dengan menggunakan analisa resiko

Fuzzy Decision Support System Using Risk Analysis

the paper presents a contribution to construction of tools for decision making support in organisational system for uncertainty aspect. develop theory of risk assessment is based on the adapted fuzzy analytic hierarchy process(AHP). in decision making under uncertainty and consecutive appearing risk is devided into identified categories and factors of uncertainty. the basic method used in the numerical part of the evaluation is two pass Fuzzy AHP (applied: first for the importance and second for the uncertainty of risk factors). the process is based on determination of relations between particular risk categories and factors.......
key words: uncertainty factors, risk, estimation, fuzzy AHP Method, Three-Steps Systematic Approach, Deciding

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