- Untuk membersihkan toksin atau racun. toksin toksin bisa dibersihkan dengan dengan air jeruk nipis
- Meringankan gangguan pencernaan, seperti mual, mulas, atau sembelit yang diakibatkan parasit, dengan cara air jeruk nipis dicampur dengan air hangat
- Meringankan cegukkan atau sendawa, dengan meminum jus air jeruk nipis
- Melarutkan batu empedu dengan minum jus air jeruk nipis secara teratur
- Meringankan gejala asma, radang amandel, dan sakit tenggorokan dengan minum jus jeruk nipis
- Bermanfaat bagi penderita infeksi saluran urin, penderita rematik
- Meredakan sakit kepala jika dicampur kopi, karena menetralkan kafein
- Menghentikan hidung berdarah dengan cara mengoleskan dengan kapas air jeruk nipis ke lubang hidung.
- Menghentikan pendarahan pada gusi, dan menghaluskan bibir,
- Sebagai pelindung kulit dari sinar matahari
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Kasiat Jeruk Nipis
Jeruk nipis mudah kita temui, sepanjang yang kita ketahui, kebanyakan orang menggunakan air jeruk nipis sebagai minuman. ternyata jeruk nipis memiliki beragam kasiat, diantaranya adalah:
Wayang kulit or leather puppet is one of Indonesian culture. it is very popular in some parts of Indonesia particularly for Javanese people. The wayang kulit show is usually held for entertainment and in ceremonial occasions.
Wayang kulit shows take stories mostly from Mahabarata and sometimes from Ramayana. The stories describe the life of human being. they describe the behavior of people in their life. they generally concern good people who always defeat bad ones
A wayang kulit show is also for a special purpose that is what so called ruwatan. it is one of the manners and costumes in Javanese society. Some people believe that a family should carried out a ruwatan if the family has only one child. Otherwise, the child will be eaten by Batara Kala or in other word he or she will get difficulty in his or her life such as suffering from diseases. A family should also carry out a ruwatan if the family has one son and one daughter or has five male children.
Ruwatan is not only for human but also for villages, crops.
Wayang kulit shows take stories mostly from Mahabarata and sometimes from Ramayana. The stories describe the life of human being. they describe the behavior of people in their life. they generally concern good people who always defeat bad ones
A wayang kulit show is also for a special purpose that is what so called ruwatan. it is one of the manners and costumes in Javanese society. Some people believe that a family should carried out a ruwatan if the family has only one child. Otherwise, the child will be eaten by Batara Kala or in other word he or she will get difficulty in his or her life such as suffering from diseases. A family should also carry out a ruwatan if the family has one son and one daughter or has five male children.
Ruwatan is not only for human but also for villages, crops.
Borobudur, the world's largest Buddhist monument, is located in Central Java about 41 kilometers north of Jogjakarta. This temple was built in eight century by the Syailendra dynasty. Today it is a place of prayer for Buddhist pilgrim. It is also one of the seven wonder of the world.
The basic design of Borobudur is like a pyramid consisting of three parts. the first part is the foot or base. it has reliefs of humans and animals around the walls. the middle part consist of six rectangular stores. the final part consist of three circular terraces and a central dagoba forming the summit. it is said that the temple's three different parts represent three different stages associated with the pilgrim's journey through life.
Thousands of domestic and foreign tourists have been visiting Borobudur for many years. Borobudur is not only big but also beautiful and magnificent.
The basic design of Borobudur is like a pyramid consisting of three parts. the first part is the foot or base. it has reliefs of humans and animals around the walls. the middle part consist of six rectangular stores. the final part consist of three circular terraces and a central dagoba forming the summit. it is said that the temple's three different parts represent three different stages associated with the pilgrim's journey through life.
Thousands of domestic and foreign tourists have been visiting Borobudur for many years. Borobudur is not only big but also beautiful and magnificent.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Nata : Balinese custom house
Nata or natah is a balinese custom house. It has a folk story on this house. This house has five important buildings. The first is gapura candi bentar - the entrance gate of the palace king. The second is balai begong - a place where the king takes a rest with his family. The third is balai wantikan - a place for having cockfight or dance performance. The fourth is kori agung - the enterance gate of the great ceremony, and the fifth is kori babetelan - the gate for family activities.
Once you arrived at Denpasar, there are several ways to travel around the island to visit the numerous places of interest. taxis, buses, micro buses, and even rented cars and motorbikes with or without drivers are available.
Denpasar, the capital city of Bali, has many community temples called pura and the Bali Museum. it presents a fine variety of prehistoric and modern art. Its architectural design resembles that of a palace. Celuk the village northeast of Denpasar, is noted for its silver and gold for jewelry and ornaments. Sandstone workshops can be found in Batubulan just southwest of Celuk. The village of Batuan specializes in traditional painting and weaving as well as decoration wooden panels and screens.
The village further north is Mas. Many of Bali's master woodcarvers still live and work here. Art galeries exhibit their best work of art. Further to the north is Ubud, the centre of Balinese painting. Goa Gajah at Bedulu, southeast of Ubud, dates back to the 11th century and is believed to have been built as a monastery bearing many rock carvings, statues and bathing pool with six statues of nymphs holding water spouts. Traveling further north from Ubud, you come to Tampaksiring, where a thousand year old sacred spring is still used by the Balinese to pray for prosperity and for the water's curative powers.
Besakih, on the slope of Mount Agung, is the location of the mother temple of Bali, the biggest and holiest of all Balinese temples. southwest of Ubud is Sangeh. here you can see the forest of Sangeh, which is inhabited by a lot of monkeys. the forest and the monkeys are considered sacred.
Two well known spot are Sanur beach and Kuta beach. They are situated on the south east coast and the south west coast of the island respectively. Sanur beach is known for its quiet surf while Kuta beach for its sandy beach and high surf and beautiful sunset.
Denpasar, the capital city of Bali, has many community temples called pura and the Bali Museum. it presents a fine variety of prehistoric and modern art. Its architectural design resembles that of a palace. Celuk the village northeast of Denpasar, is noted for its silver and gold for jewelry and ornaments. Sandstone workshops can be found in Batubulan just southwest of Celuk. The village of Batuan specializes in traditional painting and weaving as well as decoration wooden panels and screens.
The village further north is Mas. Many of Bali's master woodcarvers still live and work here. Art galeries exhibit their best work of art. Further to the north is Ubud, the centre of Balinese painting. Goa Gajah at Bedulu, southeast of Ubud, dates back to the 11th century and is believed to have been built as a monastery bearing many rock carvings, statues and bathing pool with six statues of nymphs holding water spouts. Traveling further north from Ubud, you come to Tampaksiring, where a thousand year old sacred spring is still used by the Balinese to pray for prosperity and for the water's curative powers.
Besakih, on the slope of Mount Agung, is the location of the mother temple of Bali, the biggest and holiest of all Balinese temples. southwest of Ubud is Sangeh. here you can see the forest of Sangeh, which is inhabited by a lot of monkeys. the forest and the monkeys are considered sacred.
Two well known spot are Sanur beach and Kuta beach. They are situated on the south east coast and the south west coast of the island respectively. Sanur beach is known for its quiet surf while Kuta beach for its sandy beach and high surf and beautiful sunset.
Batik, among the oldest of Javanese arts, is now a national treasure of Indonesia and is used throughout the country. The age of all method of dying cloth painted in pattern with the aid of molten wax, accumulated over centuries did the beautiful designs.
Traditionally, batik cloth was designed in shades of indigo blue, brown and white, produced with natural vegetable dyes. The molten wax was painted on with a hollow, pointed canting-a small copper pen- then dipped into dye. Dyed and dried, wax was again applied to cover the colored patterns, and dipped again in another dye. The process was repeated as many times as needed to achieve the colors of design. Between the steps of dying, the wax was scrapped off and applied again in the already colored areas.
The traditional batik designs include geometric pattern, birds, flowers and endless number of little pattern. Batik made in Yogyakarta and Surakarta(Solo) usually retain a traditional look and are often super quality. For this reason, they are often worn only as ceremonial dress on social occasions. The batik cloth of Cirebon shows the same classic color preference as those of Yogya and Solo but shows a strong Chinese influence, notable in particular in its rocks and cloud patterns. Another area knows for batik is Pekalongan noted for its bright contemporary and straight forward design.
The making of hand-painted batik is along process which often took months to finish. This was one of the reason why the wearing of fine batik cloth was in the past limited to members of the social elite. The stamping method of batik production invented decades ago has made reasonably good batik affordable to the average Indonesian. The pattern's outline is produce by pressing the copper stamp which has first been dipped in molten wax - onto the cloth. The process is repeated until the whole cloth is covered. the product is then finished by covering the parts to be left white with wax applied by hand, folled by dying in the usual manner.
Stamped-on batik has made great strides in the past decades. The hand-painted variety, however, is still considered the queen of the art. Fine all items are now days rare and demand high price as they are much sought after by the collectors, both Indonesian and foreign.
Batik attains its deed patine only after long wear and it therefore not surprising that old cloths are often valued even higher than brand new products by knowledgeable collectors.
Traditionally, batik cloth was designed in shades of indigo blue, brown and white, produced with natural vegetable dyes. The molten wax was painted on with a hollow, pointed canting-a small copper pen- then dipped into dye. Dyed and dried, wax was again applied to cover the colored patterns, and dipped again in another dye. The process was repeated as many times as needed to achieve the colors of design. Between the steps of dying, the wax was scrapped off and applied again in the already colored areas.
The traditional batik designs include geometric pattern, birds, flowers and endless number of little pattern. Batik made in Yogyakarta and Surakarta(Solo) usually retain a traditional look and are often super quality. For this reason, they are often worn only as ceremonial dress on social occasions. The batik cloth of Cirebon shows the same classic color preference as those of Yogya and Solo but shows a strong Chinese influence, notable in particular in its rocks and cloud patterns. Another area knows for batik is Pekalongan noted for its bright contemporary and straight forward design.
The making of hand-painted batik is along process which often took months to finish. This was one of the reason why the wearing of fine batik cloth was in the past limited to members of the social elite. The stamping method of batik production invented decades ago has made reasonably good batik affordable to the average Indonesian. The pattern's outline is produce by pressing the copper stamp which has first been dipped in molten wax - onto the cloth. The process is repeated until the whole cloth is covered. the product is then finished by covering the parts to be left white with wax applied by hand, folled by dying in the usual manner.
Stamped-on batik has made great strides in the past decades. The hand-painted variety, however, is still considered the queen of the art. Fine all items are now days rare and demand high price as they are much sought after by the collectors, both Indonesian and foreign.
Batik attains its deed patine only after long wear and it therefore not surprising that old cloths are often valued even higher than brand new products by knowledgeable collectors.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Myeongdong - the center of hallyu

When you hear Shibuya, you will think about the latest fashion in Tokyo. What about Korea?
Myeongdong, that's the place.
Myeongdong is a place to see the latest fashion, the center of culture and art - these are the images of Myeongdong to many Koreans. But recently, it is famous as shopping district.
Today, Myeongdong is a well-known tourist destination and the center of hallyu. But just half a century ago, it served as the heart of Korean culture and arts in the middle of the war-ravaged country.
Writers, painters, and musicians came together in this neighborhood to paint pictures on the spot, write poems, and sing of the times. Currently on exhibit at the Seoul Museum of History is “Myeongdong Narratives,” an exhibition of Myeongdong’s nostalgic past.
Lee Seung-gi

Lee Seung-gi was chosen as a torchbearer for the London Olympics in July. The reason for Lee's selection was mainly because of the internationally-renowned company Samsung's sponsorship of the event. The Korean conglomerate reserves the right to recommend a certain number of torchbearers, and Lee was chosen as he is the face for Samsung's kimchee refrigerator line.
Lombok Island
Lombok is an island in West Nusa Tenggara Province in Indonesia. It has many beautiful beaches, and there is also some small island surrounding Lombok island.
Some tourist destination in Lombok island are:
Gilis Islands, Mount Rinjani, and Kuta Beach in lombok
"Once, You stay in Bali, you better go to Lombok Island", that's what my friend said to me.
I went to Lombok by Ferry that sail from Padang bay Bali to Lembar port in Lombok. It took 5 hours to get there, but I enjoyed tha sailing, since I sailed in the morning. There are many beautiful scenery when I sail from Bali. I saw the highest mountain in Bali, Mount Agung.
My friend also suggested me to go to Gili Trawangan island. This Island is famous with its beautiful beach and beautiful underwater scenery. Many tourists prefer snorkeling around the water. The clean water will give us beautiful scenery, and a lot of beautiful fishes will swim around us.

My friend also asked me to climb to Mount Rinjani, but I had to went back to Bali since I my jobs was waiting for me. She said that the local students usually organized the mountaineers who want to climb mount Rinjani. They call the expedition "Tapak Rinjani"

Mount Rinjani is the second highest mountain in Indonesia. It rises to 3.726 m above the sea level. Rinjani has caldera lake, Segara anak. Segara anak means the child of ocean. The best time to climb mount Rinjani is in August to December. And I hope that I will be able to go there.....
Some tourist destination in Lombok island are:
Gilis Islands, Mount Rinjani, and Kuta Beach in lombok
"Once, You stay in Bali, you better go to Lombok Island", that's what my friend said to me.
I went to Lombok by Ferry that sail from Padang bay Bali to Lembar port in Lombok. It took 5 hours to get there, but I enjoyed tha sailing, since I sailed in the morning. There are many beautiful scenery when I sail from Bali. I saw the highest mountain in Bali, Mount Agung.
My friend also suggested me to go to Gili Trawangan island. This Island is famous with its beautiful beach and beautiful underwater scenery. Many tourists prefer snorkeling around the water. The clean water will give us beautiful scenery, and a lot of beautiful fishes will swim around us.

My friend also asked me to climb to Mount Rinjani, but I had to went back to Bali since I my jobs was waiting for me. She said that the local students usually organized the mountaineers who want to climb mount Rinjani. They call the expedition "Tapak Rinjani"

Mount Rinjani is the second highest mountain in Indonesia. It rises to 3.726 m above the sea level. Rinjani has caldera lake, Segara anak. Segara anak means the child of ocean. The best time to climb mount Rinjani is in August to December. And I hope that I will be able to go there.....
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