Saturday, March 17, 2012


Wayang kulit or leather puppet is one of Indonesian culture. it is very popular in some parts of Indonesia particularly for Javanese people. The wayang kulit show is usually held for entertainment and in ceremonial occasions.
Wayang kulit shows take stories mostly from Mahabarata and sometimes from Ramayana. The stories describe the life of human being. they describe the behavior of people in their life. they generally concern good people who always defeat bad ones
A wayang kulit show is also for a special purpose that is what so called ruwatan. it is one of the manners and costumes in Javanese society. Some people believe that a family should carried out a ruwatan if the family has only one child. Otherwise, the child will be eaten by Batara Kala or in other word he or she will get difficulty in his or her life such as suffering from diseases. A family should also carry out a ruwatan if the family has one son and one daughter or has five male children.
Ruwatan is not only for human but also for villages, crops.

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